SQL Query 에러입니다.
Function Name  query
Error  Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
Error Number  1205
SQL  select * from payshop_brand_total where ( grp_id = 'firstmakers_net' or grp_id = 'smartrentalro_co_kr' ) and left(brandcode,3) = '049' and status = '1' and ( left(category, 3) = '049' or left(category1, 3) = '049' or left(category2, 3) = '049' or left(category3, 3) = '049' or left(category4, 3) = '049' or left(category5, 3) = '049' or left(category6, 3) = '049' or left(category7, 3) = '049' or left(category8, 3) = '049' or left(category9, 3) = '049' ) order by location desc, wdate desc limit 6520, 20
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